Author Archive: Cathy
Candida Overgrowth Syndrome
It is so sad how a lot of people can manage to sleep at night when they know that their actions are hurting lives. It took me long to understand what causes candidiasis and I spent a lot of money going from one doctor to another and even changed to herbal medicine which is more expensive.
Ladies suffer more with this disease and my concentration will on them, though I will mention one or two incidences in men. If you are the kind of man who does not care about what women go through, move on. But, if you are the gentleman who wants to know more about this, get comfortable and lets us break it down.
My ladies and gentlemen, I am not a doctor or anywhere in the field of science. But l have been in this situation, I have suffered with people who think they know it all and I think a lot of ladies are going through the same in Africa and the rest of the world. After using tablet after tablet and drinking a lot of bottles of herbal/natural medicine, I took matters into my own hands and started researching on my own. I put things together and started changing my life. I can now proudly wear my undie and remove it looking clean, no itches, no discharge and l feel good.
You do not have to take what am saying as the bible truth, but if it helps, am more than pleased. Go out there too and read more about the subject, consult your doctor friend, not the one who wants you to just buy a pill. Get Information before acting. The body has the strongest and the smartest mechanism, when you understand it, there is no need to throw in your system all the pills you’re taking for the moment.
Understand your body because every reaction you are getting, is its form of communicating to you that something is wrong. Instead of you silencing it, get to the bottom of the cause of the problem and avoid more damage in your system.
What is Candida Overgrowth Syndrome?
The body plays host to a multitude of microorganisms, and a proper balance among them is one of the keys to good health. While bacteria are by far the most common, the body also supports a very small population of another microorganism, a type of yeast called Candida albicans (popularly known as candida).
Normally present in small amounts along the gastrointestinal tract (in the intestines and the mouth), in the vagina, and on the skin, candida is generally kept in check by the immune system and by the body’s “good” bacteria. Problems arise, however, when candida grows out of control and excessively populates one or more locations in the body.
Vaginal candidiasis. The most common form of candida overgrowth is vaginal candidiasis (a yeast infection), which frequently occurs after taking an extended course of antibiotics. Because antibiotics can kill many kinds of bacteria, often the “good” strains that typically keep candida within bounds can be destroyed along with the “bad.” Candida, however, is unaffected by antibiotics and, in the absence of its natural bacterial counterbalance, proceeds to reproduce wildly. Intense vaginal itching and other discomforts, along with a white discharge, are characteristic signs of a vaginal yeast infection.
Oral candidiasis. Candida overgrowth in the mouth, also called oral thrush, can occur in people using steroid inhalers for asthma (steroids encourage candida proliferation), and in breast-fed infants whose mothers are taking antibiotics. Oral thrush also develops in people whose immune systems are severely depleted–for example, those who are undergoing cancer chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy after an organ transplant, or people with AIDS.
Candida overgrowth syndrome. Vaginal candidiasis, oral thrush, as well as candida overgrowths on the skin such as diaper rash, are common medical conditions, and, when they occur, all physicians agree they should be treated.
Key Symptoms of Candidiasis
- Bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, new sensitivities to commonly eaten foods
- Fatigue, headache, depression, irritability, disorientation, dizziness, inability to concentrate
- Sugar cravings, sensitivities to chemicals and perfumes, alcohol intolerance, increased susceptibility to the side effects of medications
- Muscle and joint aches, sinusitis and recurrent colds, recurrent skin rashes
- (In women), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), decreased libido, recurrent vaginal yeast infection, vulvar itching or irritation, vaginal burning, pain, soreness, vaginal burning with intercourse or urination, vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese (thick and white) that is odourless.
- (In men), prostate and bladder infections
What Causes Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS)?
According to nutritionally oriented physicians who are treating candidiasis, the overuse of antibiotics is by far the most frequent cause of the overgrowth. People who have been on antibiotic drugs for long periods of time, to treat acne and recurrent sinus infections, for example are at particularly high risk for developing the disorder. Because antibiotics so effectively wipe out bacteria (both the beneficial strains and the harmful ones), they dramatically disrupt the body’s delicate balance of microorganisms. Candida then takes over.
In addition, medications other than antibiotics can also increase the body’s susceptibility to candida overgrowth. These drugs include birth control pills and oral corticosteroids (such as prednisone), which are commonly prescribed to control inflammatory and autoimmune conditions such as lupus.
Besides taking antibiotics and other drugs, there other factors that can increase a person’s susceptibility to COS which include : stress, a weakened immune system (due to any cause), a high-sugar diet, hormonal changes from pregnancy, and diabetes.
Please Note
Vaginal yeast infections are so common, that self-treatment using over-the-counter preparations is encouraged by most doctors.
This kept me thinking though, that many people who believe they are suffering from candida overgrowth, in fact, may not have it at all. (This can be a risk of reading a book about a disease and making a self-diagnosis.) Such individuals often spend hundreds of dollars on supplements, which in the end are useless because they never had COS in the first place. Others may confine themselves to extremely restrictive diets, or worry unnecessarily about a condition they do not have. So it is better to go for a check up first to be sure before you start treating yourself.
Tests and Procedures
The tests that nutritionally oriented doctors order include cultures of both vaginal secretions and stool, along with a blood test to measure antibodies and antibody complexes to the candida. The blood test measures levels of three separate antibodies (IgM, IgG, IgA) that the immune system creates if candida is present, as well as levels of candida antigen, created when a particle of a candida breakdown product enters the bloodstream and triggers an antibody response.
According to some doctors, repeating these tests at the end of treatment is a good way to determine if it has been successful. If it has, levels of a number of these measurements will show a decline.
The doctors will mostly prescribe nystatin (Mycostatin, Nilstat, Nystex), Itraconazole (Sporanox), and Fluconazole (Diflucan). If these happen to work for you, well and good but if you are still skeptical and you want to try something else, read on.
Treatment and Prevention
Revamp your diet. Some changes in your eating habits are necessary to eliminate a candida overgrowth. Start by increasing your intake of protein and high-fiber vegetables, and by consuming moderate amounts of whole grains and high-carbohydrate vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, and artichokes.
At the same time, try to limit or eliminate sugar from your daily fare because candida thrives on sugar. Fruit, though allowable, is also limited during the treatment phase because of its sugar content.
Prevention: To reduce your risk of developing COS, take measures to:
Avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. This is by far the most common reason people develop candida overgrowth. If you have a medical condition that requires long-term antibiotics, ask your doctor for narrow spectrum antibiotic and to advise which kinds to take which are less damaging.
Important note: When you do get a prescription for an antibiotic, always finish the bottle. By not doing so, the offending bacteria can become more resilient and cause problems later on.
Avoid unnecessary steroid use. If you have a medical condition requiring steroids, work with your doctor to reduce your dose to the lowest amount that is effective for your condition. If you use a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth after each use. Even the nasal steroid sprays can cause candida problems. Since it’s difficult to rinse your nasal passages, try to use nasal steroid sprays only when absolutely necessary.
Get checked for diabetes, especially if you are middle-aged, obese, or have a positive family history for the condition. People with diabetes are especially susceptible to candida infections.
Supplement Recommendations
Most of the supplements listed below are useful until all candida symptoms have disappeared. Supplement treatment should be continued until diagnostic blood and stool tests show clearing of the candida.
Just a reminder: If you have a serious medical condition, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a program of supplements.
Supplements to treat COS include those that kill the yeast, those that strengthen the immune system, and those that restore “good” bacteria in the intestines.
Echinacea (Echinacea anguvstifolia) boosts the immune system and helps the body battle yeast infections. This herb works best when taken in alternating cycles with other immune-enhancing herbs, such as astragalus or goldenseal.
Garlic (Allium sativum) both enhances immunity and reduces Candida counts in the body. In test-tube studies, garlic has been found to inhibit the growth of candida albicans. It’s also effective against a variety of infectious organisms that damage and invade tissues.
Goldenseal and other berberine-containing herbs such as Oregon grape and barberry have been studied for their ability to counteract Candida albicans. Combinations of these herbs are widely used by naturopathic physicians for chronic candida infections. There’s some evidence that goldenseal is effective for COS-related diarrhoea.
Caprylic acid is a fatty acid with anti-fungal actions. It’s made by the body in small amounts, and can also be extracted from plant fats, such as coconut and palm oils. While there isn’t any recent research on caprylic acid, older studies found that when taken orally it can lessen the candida yeast’s ability to grow and replicate.
Oil of oregano and other volatile oils represent the “new generation” of anti-candida preparations. Recent laboratory studies have actually shown that oil of oregano is many times more potent than caprylic acid, although more research into this oil is needed.
Self-Care Remedies (everyone can do this)
- Begin an exercise program. Regular exercise will help improve your overall well-being and enhance your immune system. You do not have to go to gym, you can do this at home or take jogs
- Reduce stress. Learn how to do yoga, pilates, t’ai chi, or meditation, and practice them consistently. Like I said a lot of people will think that they do not have money for Gym but there are a lot of videos of exercises on youtube, take it slow, day by day.
- Wear cotton or silk underwear. This is particularly important if you are susceptible to recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Nylon or other polyester fabrics can trap moisture, creating an environment friendly to fungal growth.
- Make sure the under wears are cleaned thoroughly with antibacterial soap before you wear them again. Soak your undies and rewash them to be sure of their cleanness. I have seen some ladies who iron their undies before wearing them again and I respect the extra effort they put in.
- Learn to change your under wears after few months, you do not have to wear them until they fall apart or you’re tired of them.
- If you are to wear one underwear for hours, learn to use pant liners and change them whenever you use the bathroom to remain fresh.
- Avoid commercial feminine products. Some douches, feminine sprays, and perfumed tampons can make COS worse by irritating the delicate vaginal membranes.
- Eat yogurt. Check the label to be sure it contains active or live cultures of acidophilus; research shows a cup of yogurt a day can reduce the number of vaginal yeast infections a woman has.
- Increase dietary fiber. Eating enough fiber promotes a daily bowel movement. This will help eliminate the organisms and the toxins that the Candida yeast produces.
This might look like a lot to take in and I know what you are going through but we are WOMEN we fight for our health and for our families. So let’s fight this.
I looked through these websites for research:,,, and
Uganda (Part 2 – What you need to look out for)
A friend burst my bubble, at least that is what he called it and it got me thinking. We have all heard about how great certain countries are and we do not get to hear or to read about the challenges which some travellers face. If we do, they always conclude with “all was worth the journey”.
Now, get comfortable and let us go through one by one and just in case you are caught up with such a challenge you have some little knowledge. This is not to scare, it’s to encourage you to travel more, to let you have a feel of everything and give you a chance tell your own story and experience. So grab your bag and go get to the bottom of all the adventures Uganda has to offer.
There is a lot to talk about, but l will go through the basics, which I am always asked and if I leave out something you would be interested in, do not hesitate to ask I will be happy to help.
Tour and travel companies
Please take your time and try to do an extensive research on the company you intend to use. A lot of travellers have been scammed through tour and travel bookings. Do not just jump on any tour company which has some website set up and providing some subsidised prices and promising a journey of your life time.
Take your time and consult with people who have traveled to the same places you wish to visit, compare a number of tour and travels and make a choice when you are certain.
Secondly, remain with some leverage to demand better services. You do not have to pay all the money of your journey at once, you have to stay with the balance for assurance of a good service. If they do not give you what you bargained for, you will have a chance to change instead of getting stuck with non performers.
Uganda is not under developed, it is a developing country. It has a lot of immigrants who are doing business there, food and beverages being one of the businesses they concentrate in. Therefore, you can find any trans continental restaurant or a food court. With food, you don’t have to worry, you can’t starve at all. The streets are full of delicacies you can try out when experimenting the likes of a “Rolex” – rolled eggs and chapati.
Though when you are out there doing food research, some foods might not agree well with your stomach. The hygiene of Uganda is not top notch in some places and even if some places are five star, you might still have a problem which is quite common when you change the environment or the way the food is prepared.
You don’t have to panic, my friends and I have been using coca-cola. Take some few sips after a meal and please be careful where you eat. This might sound like I am advertising for Coca- Cola, but I am not. It is some lifehacker which has worked for me and some friends. Try it might work for you too, if you’re a pepsi person then try that.
Do not drink water from the tap and do not just ask for a glass of water with your coffee. I do not even think that is provided back home. Whenever you ask for water, you are provided with a bottle, which you have to pay for. Anyways, you do not have to be mad about it, trust me it is safer than water in a glass.
I now live in Slovenia and one thing I do appreciate is safety. I can walk on the streets any time and do not develop a rush in any way. I can walk as I text or talk on phone at ease. I have more than twice left my phone behind and someone called me back for it. Now listen, this might not go down the same way when you travel to my country.
I don’t know how to emphasise this, but do not lazily pick up your call or text on the street. If you can not avoid it, hold your phone firmly. But if you can, ignore the call and look for a place which is less congested and pick up or leave it and you will give the person a call back when you’re settled.
You have to be careful, in fact very careful with all your belongings because trust me you will lose them in a second and you won’t know what has hit you.
Guys avoid putting your wallets in the back pocket of your jeans, that swagger might not last long before your wallet is snatched.
Ladies, you should think twice when you pass through town with your gold necklace, earrings, rings or any bling bling. This goes to any place you will travel to where you’re not certain of the safety. Leave these in your room and you won’t be sorry.
Do not just wonder the streets at night alone, please do that with some friends or let it pass. Ask for help or try to make contact with the people you meet either at the hotel where you stay or on streets. Ask for directions, Ugandans are friendly. Am not saying that trust them completely, am saying knowledge is power, you can’t have it unless you take an initiative to acquire it.
Town travels
As means of transport within the country, travellers use Matatus (taxi), buses( Coaches) and Bikes (Bodaboda). All these can get you from one place to another and their prices vary according to season, time and who is travelling.
With season, the taxis and coaches fair double or triple. These are periods of xmas or Easter where a great number of people travel from either towns to villages to celebrate the holidays with their loved ones.
Time. Taxis increase prices during the rush hours, which are in the mornings when everyone wants to get to work or in the evenings when it’s time to get home after work. This becomes worse when it rains, most of the taxis get stuck in the traffic jam and on top of increasing the prices, they add on squeezing in the taxi excess passengers, instead of 14 passengers, you can end up being 18.
Now when I say who is travelling, I mean the people who don’t know the common language used, the people who have not used taxis for long and those who are not from the country, I mean someone of different color ( white, indian,chinese etc ).
Like l said, Uganda has got a lot of immigrants from different parts of the world and they all have their stories. Some are fluent in the local languages and others are familiar with the way life is in Uganda and they are enjoying each day.
Do not be overwhelmed if your bus fare is twice what others are paying. First ask someone how much it costs to travel to the place where you are going. make sure the person is not the driver or the conductor. I know it’s a lot to take in but that’s what makes it worthy the journey.
If you have never bargained, l think it’s time to pull out that bargaining card because you will use it when you travel to Uganda when you want to buy some stuff on the streets or use a bodaboda.
The price set is not always the one they sell on so try to bargain you will get a better one.
Last but not least on traveling around town, many people are excited about Boda Bodas and they want to try them out. But as exciting as the experience can be, these boda bodas have caused more accidents than anything using petrol (gas) in Uganda. In Mulago there is a ward which was gazetted for only people who have had bodaboda accidents.
Please if you can avoid them, do if you can’t, wear helmet or let the rider take you slow and let him be careful. If he is not, tell him to stop and you get on another. I repeat, these are so dangerous.
Money exchange
Am not so sure whether there forex bureaus around here in Ljubljana which are not found in the banks. One thing am sure of, is that Uganda has a lot of places where you can exchange your money. You don’t have to get right from the plane to the airport forex bureaus thinking you will have a problem having your money exchanged.
The airport bureau might be expensive than those you will find in town. The banks too tend to have higher exchange rates. If you’re going to kampala you will have a lot of options and this refers to Entebbe too if you’re to stay there.
Maybe it will be better to trust the bank for starters as you get used to the place and you will get to find out the best places where to exchange your money with favourable rates. Though this might not be common, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
Prevention is better than cure. Make sure you get a dose of anti malarials before you travel to Uganda. You might have heard from your friends who say they went and they did not get malaria, but you never know may be they were lucky or their immunity is that strong. So do not take chances, just get it and feel safe.
Any way, if you are the stubborn one, and you chose not to get it, then if you get a fever, any weakness, joint pains and you feel powerless. Run to the hospital for the check up. If they find that you have malaria, you have to take the full dose. This time around you don’t have to act strong or smart, you just have to take the whole dose and keep on visiting the hospital where you are treated for the specialist to see your progress.
Besides all these, Uganda is a safe and among the most beautiful countries to travel to, and the people are friendly. Do not stress out, relax and have fun every single day.
Hope this can help you and if you have something more to ask, feel free l will be happy to help.
Have a safe journey to Uganda ( The pearl of Africa)
Uganda (Part 1 – What you need to know)
Famously known as “The Pearl of Africa”, Uganda is one of the top African safari destinations with the most thrilling unique attractions that are not yet discovered by mass tourists. A country presents itself with astonishing beauty of hills and mountains, sparkling lakes and river, a variety of wildlife and indeed with the world’s remaining endangered Mountain Gorillas.
Uganda is 93,065 sq. mi in size, smaller than Kenya, but bigger than Rwanda and Burundi combined. Uganda is a landlocked country, bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the southwest by Rwanda, and to the south by Tanzania. The next time you are in one of these countries, you can take a sneak peek at Uganda and let me know what you think.
If you are still wondering what is so special about Uganda besides being my country of origin, then you should check out the longest river in Africa (Nile) with its source in Uganda. You will have a chance to visit Jinja one of the cities in Uganda raft, bungee jump and enjoy the the Nile. Have a lake Victoria tour, take a boat ride or fish in the largest lake in Africa, which is shared by Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. You got to feel the pure breeze at lake Bunyonyi which is the second deepest lake in Africa. The breath taking scenery of its amazing islands and test the cray fish pizza. It would not be wise to miss the mountains of the moon (Rwenzori mountain) with its ever snow caped peaks and have a chance to ski in Uganda.
Culture, People and Language
I am not concentrating on this because I’m from Uganda, but lets face it, the country besides everything, is amazing. Uganda is rich in cultural heritage since people from various origins inhabit the place from time to time. So trust me, in Uganda you will find people from your area or close to your area. The natives are hospitable and do not worry about the language, even if Uganda has more than 25 tribes who speak different dialects, its official language is English.
Some people speak Swahili, French and now German due to strong influence from neighbouring countries (migration and immigration) and development of language schools.
Like any other country which is into cultural preservation, Ugandans takes it to another level making sure children know their cultures from songs, tales and riddles, their kingdoms and their kings. The best example is Buganda Kingdom which is the most organised and the biggest kingdom in Uganda.
Music which was a way of communication, is an integrated part of the Culture of Uganda. Each of the tribe has its own folk dance which differentiates it from another. The baganda have the kiganda dance, kitagururo is for banyankore, while the banyoro perform Runyege dance, the Acholi have Bwila and Otole. Agwal is the traditional dance of the Alur people and the Bagisu have their Imbalu dance during the circumcision ceremonies. The list goes on and on. The commonly played instruments are The local drums (eggoma), amadinda, adigindi, entongoli and likeme.
Now for the party animals, you got to stay in Kampala for some time to experience the night life. The clubs are open from Monday to Monday and there some places which do not close at all. It is not relevant, if you are of a class or you love to stay in the budget, you will all have the vacation to remember.
Now lets head to Uganda….
Please don’t for get to share, to comment and to let me know what you want to know more about Uganda.
Some pictures are curtesy of:, Gorilla Highlands and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Pressroom