Tour Ljublana

When you are  done enjoying coffee by the river side ( Ljubljanica) , it would not hurt to try and know a little more about Slovenia. Find out about the people who have made their history. Slovenia is still considered a young country and its stars in sports Tina Maze and Peter Prevc have done an amazing job to place the country somewhere.

Besides that, the country has amazing museums and galleries to visit if you happen to have some few minutes. I will concentrate on one of the architects  whose work seem to be the face of most of the picture that people recognise about Slovenia.


I have not always been a fun of museums, but looking at what some people did then and how it is preserved for us to take a trip to the past for only few minutes or hours, is amazing. Plečnik’s  house ( Plečnikova hiša) is maintained to portray how the architect lived his life and his work is displayed accordingly.

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The guides try to explain his life in Slovenia, Prague, Vienna, Paris. To make it interesting, you get to walk through the house where the man lived, look at the tools he used to make his designs and the tiny bed where he slept. What can be more thrilling than that?

Plečnik’s best known works of art include the National and University Library building, the Ljubljanica river embankments, most notable among the latter being the Triple Bridge and the Cobblers’ Bridge, the Central Market, the Križanke Summer Theatre, the Bežigrad Stadium, the cemetery at Žale, the Church of St. Michael in the Marshes and the Parliament House in Ljubljana

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Don’t forget to pick some few words in Slovenia

Vreme – weather

Danes je sončno – it is sunny today

Dobrodošli – welcome

Nasvidenje/ adijo – goodbye


Some of the pictures